Friday, November 2, 2012

2012 Kidzania Tokyo

It was a good experience to Kidzania Tokyo. I can experience different occupations.
What I`m going to be?
I`m coming-Kidzania.

Waiting to be a chef.

                                                     Chef Rina.

                                                    This is what I made.
                                         Waiting to be a cabin attendant.
                                         Cabin attendant Rina.
                                                    Now is time to save my money to bank.
                                           Now is time to spend my money-beauty salon time.
                                                   I`m going to be a dentist.
Doctor Rina.
                                                    These are what I earned.

2012 Halloween Stamp Rally in Japan.ハロウィンスタンプラリー

First time to have a Halloween in Japan!We had a Halloween Stamp Rally with my cousins.
Princess Belle and Rapunzel.
Let`s go.

                                             Look what we got!